Tuesday, July 28, 2015


This weeks will be short I apologize for the shortness I have been taking a class all week and I am a little brain dead at the moment.  I also have been making things and crafting things to sell to save a little money for our IVF fund. It has been busy.
I would like to talk mostly about heritage and culture.Culture is a wonderful thing. This week I am currently being educated in the art of Archaeology. It is very informative and is giving me a greater appreciation of those who have gone before me. My ancestors put down everything to get to where we are today. They came across the plains some by hand cart and some by wagon train. They faced so many heart wrenching things. Most buried family members along the way. They left their homes and some of their precious things to go where they could practice what they believed in peace. It took much trial and error to do so. Starting in Palmyra New York, working their way down to Nauvoo IL and later to SLC UT. They were the ones thinking of us, of their future kin and how they wanted for us to be able to worship our beliefs in peace. Pioneer History is a huge part of my life. Not only do I have the privilege to work with History each day, I get to constantly learn not only about the vast Pioneer history that most of us have. but I also have the privilege to learn about the Ancient History that happened before the Pioneer History. Most of which is still around today in a modern sense.  I have found that the more I study and try to understand different  cultures I gain respect for them. Cultures fascinate me, they are a view to what life was like long ago. I am so grateful for the History we have. Not only for Pioneer History but for the many others as well. For our Founding Fathers who laid down their lives just so we could be free. Who stood up for what they believed, and accepted new cultures. They founded a new culture and adventure when they created the Declaration of Independance. Therefore creating the United States of America. I think sometimes we get so caught up in who is right and wrong. Are we still United? Times have surely changed, and freedom has been tested. I am thankful for the things I was taught, by my Dad who taught us about family, and our country, serving as a Mechanic in Vietnam. To my Grandpa who fought for our freedoms when they were tested in WWII. And now It is my turn to fight for what I believe. I may not be a soldier who fights in the war overseas. But I am fighting for what I believe every day. Our beliefs are challenged each day. I will never give in, and say I give up.  I am proud to be an American. I am thankful for my heritage and for the heritage of others. For the cultures in this world that we can learn about. For our ability and willingness to learn. Never forget your heritage, be willing to learn. God Bless America!

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