Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year Resolutions

It has been a long time since I have posted anything. I apologize, it seems as if the winter months went by faster than the summer. I  can not believe it is January 2016. Time has flown by. I am making five new goals for the new year and I hope I follow through with them.
First I want to write everyday. I have found that writing is one of my stress relievers, I won’t write everyday on this blog, I have a few novels to finish :). But to write something everyday I also want to post something each month in this blog. I think that every week was to much ;).  I will post something at least once a month.. Second I want to manage my time better by staying more organized. Third I want to be more physically fit, I need to strive to be healthy. Fourth I want to be more spiritually strong. So much has been happening lately, I have found that if I read my scriptures everyday my day goes a lot better. Fifth I want to be more positive, living for today, being more Christ like, serving others, and being happy with my life and the way things are going in my life. I choose to make the change for all these things to take place this year and become forever goals that I will be working on.

In a world of so much negativity there will always be ways to down others and yourself. I choose to be the light that brings others up. For so long I had thought that the only way I can be happy is to be a mother, when my kids come I will be happy and everything will be okay. But something I have learned just recently, is I need to be happy now! I want children more than anything in this world and look forward to that time but what if it doesn’t come in this life? How will I react to it, Will I choose to be unhappy for the rest of my life causing gloom and negativity? No I choose to be happy now, regardless of my situation. To always think of the positive things to say, to look for those who need a little light in their storm. I choose to be a disciple of Christ, to be a woman of faith. I know it will take time to fully get there and I know there will be bad days, because as we all know there is one force who will always be working against us and wanting us to fail. Despite what he throws at me I will remain strong. I will strive to be better, to not judge others, to not judge myself. We are all different, and our differences make us what we are. You know my whole life I was taught that what makes me different makes me beautiful. We are all beautiful in our own ways. Rather than cutting ourselves short or the others around us because of our differences, can’t we work together?  Because we are in this world together and need to help others. Can’t we build each other up in a world where we are taught that we all have to be the same to be beautiful. I choose to be different, to live in the moment, to be more Christ like, to follow the teachings and counsel of our Prophets, to be happy!
Happiness is a funny thing, but it can be found in the most darkest places. It is everywhere, it is in the sunrise, it is in your family, it is in music, it is everywhere, you just have to remember that it is always there, and to always look for it. In the words of Dumbledore on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, If one only remembers to turn on the light.”
(I am bit of a Harry Potter Fan! :))
We need to remember to turn on the light. I need to remember to turn on the light on those bad days when I am at a low. Which I hope I will not have, but we are human and we will always be growing. We never stop growing, just as long as we can remember to be happy for today.
I am happy, I don’t need to wait for the happiness to come because it is already here. It follows me everywhere.
I hope that each of you have some good goals for the New Year
Happy New Year everyone!!

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