Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Forgiveness is one of my weaknesses. Just when I forgive someone for offending me or doing something to hurt my feelings  they do something else that makes it worse. Most of the time those people have no Idea they hurt me. I hate confrontations they really are awkward. Instead of confronting them and telling them how I feel I usually hold it inside until I explode on someone else who is not involved. Not the way to go trust me. Why is forgiveness so hard?  
It shouldn't be, but it is. I have a hard time forgiving others who have said offensive things or lied to me, or said things about me. I have come to find that people make mistakes, most of the time it is not because they are “out to get us” But just that they just being themselves in this world. On rare occasion there will be people who are out to get you.  My advice to that is kill them with Kindness. :) Kindness goes a long way. Not only that but Forgive them. Christ before he died on the cross said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
He forgave them instantly. Those people had him killed, and he said please forgive them. Why cant we be more like that? I wish with all my heart I could forgive as Christ has. I know that if i hold a grudge and don't forgive, not only does it cause bad blood but it doesn't hurt those others at all. It hurts me. It poisons me the moment I hold a grudge. All it does is tear me down. If we forgive others not only does it help us. Forgiveness saves us from so much heartache, if we practice forgiving we will become a better person. I know in my life I have been thrown under the bus many times by people I thought I could trust. It has taken me a long time to forgive some people around me. Forgiveness is a process just like anything. It doesn't happen overnight, we have to constantly work at it. With the Lord on our side we will succeed. Something to think about, is it better to be right, or better to love unconditionally?
Truely love of a family member is more important than being right. It is hard sometimes I know I get caught up in, I'm right! I am the youngest of five children and I have always had to fight. Trying to prove that I know even though I am younger. I dont stop to realize that it doesnt matter who is right.

I’m setting a challenge to myself as well as any of you. If you are dealing with any kind of grudge, start your path through forgiveness. Pray for help, ask for help from those who you trust. You will find there will always be people bearing you up, on this side and the other side of the veil. You always have help, don't be afraid to ask for help. If you think you don't have anyone who is there for you know that I am here for you all. Best wishes!

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